I like to think about life as a book with many chapters. Just like any book, I don't want to be stuck at the middle, never to explore the rest of the story. I crave change and challenge, so I want a lot of chapters that keep getting better and better. I find looking forward to some-thing can be the most exciting part of life, especially if it's something you really want. The beginning and the middle of our books give us experience and education that prepares us to write future chapters.
To give you an example of how to look at your own life as a book, I'll show you a version of my ex- perience with this process. Because I have been married for 20 years and have a 14 year old & a 17 year old, my family life is rolling through chapters based on the kids ages and I'm not looking to change anything (other than wishing I could slow it down). Because I am in a career transition, I'm writing my book based on jobs, businesses & accomplishments to see what the future holds. By writing down previous chapters in my life and finding the purpose of each chapter, I'll be able to see that it was not "all for nothing". There was a purpose, that made me who I am today. My book looks like this:
Chapter 1 - Small jobs while in high school and college (lifeguard, gymnastic teacher, aerobics teacher at Richard Simmons Anatomy Asylum) ultimately lead me to my first career in radio. When Louise DiPace Moore took my aerobics class at The Waverly Hotel Fitness Center (call me Jane Fonda in 1985), who would have thought that she would like me enough to recommend me for the Promotion Director job at an Atlanta radio station. PURPOSE - lead me to my career.
Chapter 2 - Radio Career - promotions, sales, sales manager, corporate new business development - climbing the corporate ladder, learning and loving it! I also met my husband at a radio station. I was his boss, but that's a blog for another day. PURPOSE - blessed to work for remarkable bosses, mentors, and coworkers and received the very best sales and marketing training available. I was also introduced to business and personal growth seminars and the self-help industry.
Chapter 3 - Kim Stiles Marketing and Promotions radio consultancy was my first
entrepreneurial endeavor. I would slide into town,stay in nice hotels, eat at great restaurants, host several meetings, offer some great solutions and leave before the challenges arise. It was great until I had my son and traveling became difficult. To have more time with him, I put my information into books that were later published. PURPOSE - introduced me to public speaking, writing books and showed me that I could do anything I set my mind to.
Chapter 4 - Motivation for Moms As the radio industry changed, so did I. Having 2 kids lead me into the self- improvement arena and after seeing Anthony Robbins for the first time, I knew what I wanted to do. Finding my nitch, I started interviewing Moms to see how I could help the ones who were struggling. I have always believed, "When Mama's Happy, Every-body's Happy". I hosted workshops to rave reviews, but I wasn't making much money because I would let women who really needed it come for free or at a discount. PURPOSE - There was a big need to motivate moms and that I could make a real difference in people's lives.
Chapter 5 - Network Marketing - I wanted to make a lot of money and to show struggling moms how to make money. It took five years of working my a** off for two different companies to find that Network Marketing was not the answer. Direct Sales may be the answer for many Moms, but it was not my intention to have parties or sell product, I got caught up in the promise of "big money". Needless to say, you live and you learn and I'll leave it at that. PURPOSE - to introduce me to many amazing people and to remind me to "do what I love and the money will follow" and if it looks to good to be true, it probably is.
Chapter 6 - This is where I am now and with lots of prayer and reflection, I am starting to write a new chapter. This is the first time I'll be coming off of a "failure" or "expensive lesson" and it doesn't feel good. It's taken me about 6 months to figure out what to do. I was diagnosed with Ankylosing Spondolitis at 21 and being able to work from home since 1994, has saved my health. Avoiding the stress of rush hour, company politics, and being able to work with my feet up has been a blessing. Not to mention enjoying my kids in their formative years.
So my goal was to find something that I love where I could make money and still be based at home. I finally decided to take my own advice and see what I really want. I usually ask moms, "If money were no option, what would you like to do?" My answer is to travel the world with my family and friends. If all my bills were paid, that's what I would do. I would fly, cruise, train and drive every- where and visit every single Disney Park in the world. I am a Disney Fanatic! The best times of my life have been at Disney with my family. Whenever I see anything about Disney I smile and I'm the go-to person when my family and friends go to Disney. That's it! I want to be a Disney Travel Expert! I don't have to get rich, but helping people every day to plan the happiest time of their lives. What could be better?
Now, how do I do it? I did some research, made some calls and found out that millions of people want to do this - so how can I get started (notice how I'm not deterred by a long-shot?). I need to learn the ropes from the best, before I go out on my on. I contacted one big agency and they said I have to go to Disney 5 times in one year to qualify. I wish!
When you are moving in the right direction and everything feels right,
God will take care of the rest.
Then, my mother was taking my son on a cruise to Alaska for graduation. I had been working with a friend, Theresa, who is an agent. One day Theresa was unavailable, so the owner of the agency, Wendy, called about the Alaska trip. My "gift for gab" took over and within a week, we had met and I was on my way through Disney College. Oh, the smile on my face everyday! She wasn't looking to hire anyone. I sold myself and told her what I wanted to do! At age 48, I have completely changed directions and started over and I couldn't be happier. Using my past experiences, I'm putting my own spin on my new business. I'll continue to write when it feels right. Maybe I'll even be a travel writer one day.
What about you?
How is your story coming along? Are you happy where you are? Are you making the most of this one life that we have? Try writing your book based on what's important in your life - relationships (family, friends, marriages), professional experiences and accomplishments, or a mixture of both. The fascinating thing is how much WE change as we grow older and one of the wonderful benefits is that we care less what other people say or think, so choosing what to write in your next chapters can be completely authentic. It would be a shame to base your whole book on decisions you made in college, or a job where you feel stifled just because it's all you have ever done.
Answer the question: "If money were no option, what would you like to do? How would you spend your time?" Then match what you love to do to something (a job, volunteering, teaching others) that can get you what you want. Don't wait for a job posting, your dream guy to knock on your door, or a reconciliation. Go out and ask for it!
For information about planning your Disney Vacation, Family Cruise, Girlfriend Getaway, or The New Deluxe Disney Adventure http://www.adventuresbydisney.com/ contact me: kim@kimstiles.com